Imaging Sonars
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Imaging Sonars

Imaging sonars transmit pulses of sound underwater and their reflections create digital images and video. If you’re operating in an area with very poor water clarity or visibility, imaging sonars can locate objects underwater. CPC BlueTech has a wide range of imaging sonars manufactured by Blueprint Subsea, a boutique engineering firm based in England. CPC BlueTech is an authorized reseller for Blueprint Subsea and can provide your team with sales, training, and service support for your imaging sonar needs.

Oculus Multibeam Sonars

Mutlibeam sonars are designed to transmit multiple beams of sound simultaneously and create a video-like digital image of underwater objects. Designed for use across a wide variety of underwater applications, the Oculus M-series of multibeam imaging sonars are ideally suited for MicroROVs, MiniROVs, AUVs, or handheld and pole-mounted platforms. Rugged construction makes the Oculus M-series an excellent choice for larger work-class vehicles.


Oculus M370s, M750d, and M1200d Data Sheet


CPC430 Oculus Data Sheet

StarFish Sidescan Sonars

A side scan sonar faces downwards and creates a picture of the seafloor. Shallow water, high resolution and extremely portable towed side-scan sonar systems with a tow body measuring less than 15 inches long. Using the latest advanced digital CHIRP acoustic technology, StarFish sonars produce spectacular images of the seabed.


StarFish Data Sheet

Contact Us

Email Alex Dowell or call at (707) 373-1390 for additional information and sales.
Ask about product training and renting options for our products.