Diver Navigation and Imaging Systems

ArtemisPRO, a cutting-edge underwater diver navigation system, offers a smooth and seamless navigation experience for divers. See your position, heading, and target location on an interactive map (Google Maps, ESRI, OpenStreet Maps, and others) with real-time navigation instructions. Combined with a HD video camera and a forward-looking multibeam sonar (Teledyne Blueview and Oculus supported), ArtemisPRO is a great tool for locating objects underwater. Body recoveries, evidence recoveries, and mine countermeasures are all made easier with the ArtemisPRO.
ArtemisPro Data Sheet
ArtemisLITE Data Sheet
Diver6: Military-Approved Diver Tracking and Management System

Diver6 is an innovative diver tracking and management system that allows dive supervisors to wirelessly track the location, air pressure, and heading of up to 10 divers underwater simultaneously. This military diver-approved solution (AMU # 6.3.14) is perfect for teams using rebreathers and ensures safety during critical underwater operations.
Diver6 Data Sheet
GPS Navigator: Simple and Intuitive Diver Navigation Solution

The GPS Navigator is a simple and intuitive diver navigation system that provides real-time GPS information while you’re underwater. Simply tow the small GPS float at the surface and press record to capture your depth, latitude, longitude, and time. It’s a perfect tool for divers who need to mark the position of evidence or data collection points.